Last night I was preparing home made cat food when a friend called and I mentioned that when I adopted my current kitties, P.J. came with very specific feeding instructions. Which I laughed at and proceeded to "train" the kitty to eat his dry food, well, dry. The instructions included wetting the food with water and microwaving for several seconds. Flash forward to last night as I'm finding myself sauteeing garlic and chicken and cooking brown rice. What changed? Need. My female cat, Beatrix, has digestion issues and I have racked up $1000's of dollars in vet bills and cleaned up untold amounts of, well, you don't want to hear the gory details, I'm sure. The point is, it became necessary to make the aforementioned meal because I ran out of money and cleaning supplies.
So I started thinking about other parts of my life and the processes I've developed. And what I've noticed is that with some tasks, laundry, paying bills, cleaning the litter box, I do just what is necessary to keep things in order, I do them just in time. And then there are other things, like reading, taking classes and shopping that I do with abandon and much more elaborately and without a nod to need. That got me thinking about all the habits in my life. Are there some things I don't love to do, but spend more time than necessary performing. What activities do I love but am denying for lack of time or because they aren't necessary? I'm taking an inventory this week to ensure my life is lining up with my priorities because really I don't care if I have a meticulous garden or a perfectly detailed car. As long as the plants are still alive and I can indentify the color of my car, I'm good. I'll spend "just enough time" on these activities so I can have more time for the really fun things.
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